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10 Things to Consider When Buying a Used Car

  • 2 April 2024
  • 6 min read

1. Is it stolen or is debt owing?

A simple online search should let you know if the car you’re buying has legal problems, or what are often called “encumbrances”. There are several websites that you can use that will allow you to type in the VIN number and get a background check on what you’re buying.

2. What year was it built and registered?

This will help you understand if it has any manufacturer warranty coverage left. You’ll need to know how long the warranty lasts for, regardless of which brand of car you’re looking at, as car makers offer different periods. Some brands only cover you for three years, most offer five and some stretch to seven, so do your homework and find out what you’ve got left.

Thankfully, even if it’s run out of warranty coverage, an online insurance brokerage company like Auto Auto can help. It offers extended coverage, beyond the manufacturer’s warranty, so you can buy a used car with some peace of mind.

3. How many kilometres has it done?

This is an obvious one, as it will tell you how much the car has been driven and how many potential issues it could have. Ask the seller what sort of driving they’ve done, and whether that figure is predominantly urban mileage or freeway driving, as this will impact the wear and tear on the car.

4. Has it been serviced regularly by a certified mechanic?

This is crucial to understanding the state of the car and the likelihood of any major mechanical issues. Most new warranties require you to have your car regularly serviced by an authorised mechanic or service centre.

Provided there are no pre-existing conditions, Auto Auto’s extended warranty cover can protect your vehicle for an additional 3 years so you’re prepared for the unexpected.

5. Has the car been in an accident?

Any dents, scrapes or damage, plus any obvious signs of repairs, could lead to problems in the future. Improper repairs can have knock-on impacts for the life of the vehicle.

6. Where has the car been kept?

Knowing where the car has been parked during its life is an important one to understand the condition of the paint and bodywork. Has it been safely stored in a garage? Or has it been parked on the street? Perhaps under a tree with sap and birds leaving deposits on it? Or has it spent its life near the ocean, with all that salty sea air not helping the rest? Asking a few questions could save you a lot of trouble later down the road.

7. When does the registration expire?

This will give you a timeframe for your next major expense and any major repairs that need doing. If it needs some work in order to pass registration then you'll need to budget for that and work those costs into your offer.

Another major benefit of signing up for an Auto Auto extended warranty is that you'll be able to choose from any one of the hundreds of authorised repairers across the country, so you're not locked into any specific dealership that could overcharge you.

8. How has the car been used?

Has it been an Uber, logging hundreds of kms every day? Or has it been a second family car, driven only occasionally for short runs? This will give you a good insight into its usage and any potential problems.

9. Can you take it for a test drive?

If they won't let you drive it, walk away. Getting behind the wheel and experiencing the car for yourself is the best way to understand the state of a used vehicle. Does it start easily? Are there any strange noises? Does it ride comfortably? Anything that feels unusual or out of the ordinary should be a red flag.

10. Does it have an extended warranty?

If so, you need to find out who is that with, how much longer it covers the car and if it can be transferred to the new owner. Check out Auto Auto to see if your car is eligible for extended coverage. You can purchase online when it benefits you most, such as the day after the manufacturer warrant expires.
